Happening This Week
week of March 3, 2025
Congratulations to Addison Hlavac and Juliana Tinoco, who earned chairs in the SCBDA All-State Band!
Congratulations to the following students who earned chairs in the SCBDA Region 4 Honor Clinic:
Walter Meissner
Neal Fraser
Amelia Adelsflugel
Jillian Weinstein
Jung Le
Nathan Boyette
Roman Anderson
Cameron Hodges
Sarah Britz
Emma Steinmeyer
Charlotte Gaillard
Braxton Cypress
Olivia Cassells
Olivia Tebalt
Juliana Tinoco
Timothy Platt
Edward Hart
Joseph Patterson
Seth Harper
Well done!
Upcoming Events
Pre-CPA Concert
Thursday, March 6
middle school: 6:00 p.m.
high school: 7:00 p.m.
After-School Rehearsals
4:00–5:30 pm
Symphonic Winds
Monday, March 3
Tuesday, March 18
Monday, March 24
Tuesday, April 1
Concert Band
Monday, March 17
Tuesday, March 25
Monday, March 31
4:00–5:30 pm
Woodwinds: Monday, March 10
Brass: Tuesday, March 11
Percussion: Wednesday, March 12
Important Forms and Links
Please fill out and return to Dr. Bowles
(if you haven't already done it). Thanks!
Upcoming Rehearsal and Concert Dates
after-school sectional rehearsals
start in January!
check Band Blast and schedule above
for dates and times
Please download and read the band handbook. We ask that parents and students fill out this google form.